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RoseWater Energy offers the highest value power quality and energy management device available on the market. And, like all high-quality equipment, you get what you pay for.

As I travel around the country, I have found that, in general, dealers speak to clients about UPS’s and power conditioning products at the end of the sales process – essentially relegating it to something you should have to go along with your equipment. Not a necessity, but a nice extra. There is no pre-qualifying for the client and no real explanation of the benefits of owning such equipment. The result is predictable. The client rarely receives the highest quality equipment because he or she has been given no reason to spend more.

As we are adding more microprocessors to each home, power quality is diminishing. The more microprocessors, the more catastrophic the consequences created by poor and unreliable power. This ultimately affects the enjoyment our clients receive from their equipment.

Power quality and its consequences should be introduced in the consultation portion of the client meeting, in sales jargon it is referred to as qualification. The way I introduce it is, “I am going to ask you a few questions about the power quality in your home. The reason for these questions is that in our experience the power quality is as important to the enjoyment, performance and longevity of your equipment as the equipment itself.” I would then ask them the following questions.

  • Do they have ever noticed their lights dimming?
  • Have they ever noticed a momentary interruption of power?
  • Do they use a UPS for their computer?
  • Do they have issues with their network going down?
  • Are there lighting strikes in their area?
  • Do you have any power outages that last more than a couple of minutes?

This is not meant to be a complete list of possible questions, but enough to give you an idea of the direction you should take.

During the presentation of the equipment, you can take the time to talk about the power quality equipment that you included in the package to overcome the problems that you discussed during our initial consultation.

By setting up power quality equipment in this manner, you have put them in an informed opt-out position. You have cast doubt on the professionalism of any other company that does not ask them about power quality.

And, an added benefit is that the client can no longer blame you for problems created by poor power quality. They were forewarned.

Good selling.